Why 29 DAYS Programs Work!

This 29 DAYS program recognizes that we’ll all need unique and personal solutions to change our habits in managing time, stress and information.


This 29 DAYS program is designed to be:

  • Convenient. No missed time from work, no meetings to attend, or large assignments to complete. The programs require about 10 minutes of participation in the morning and about five minutes in the evening.
  • Interactive. Participants are discreetly contacted by email twice a day with gentle reminders that keep them focused and on track. Extraordinary things happen when we can focus our attention––every day––for 29 days.
  • Gradual. We allow participants to live what they learn through small steps and daily experience.
  • Individualized. We understand that people resist being told what to do. So we don’t! This program helps participants discover their own solutions rather than what may have worked for someone else.
  • Voluntary. Only the individual knows when they truly desire to make a change ... but when you do ... this 29 DAYS program will help you to make changes that are profound and permanent.
  • Supportive. We encourage participants and keep them motivated through first-hand experience, guidance and the latest scientific research.
  • Fast and effective. Although 29 days doesn’t seem long, it’s enough time to program lasting changes to your habits and behaviors for a healthy new lifestyle.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
~ Benjamin Franklin