An Organization Is Only as Good as the People Who Run It. 


Are You Getting the Best from Your Most Valuable Asset?


Practically every company in the industrialized world is overpaying for its most valuable asset; not because its people aren’t giving it their all, but because "dysfunctional workplaces" have become the status quo.

We’ve come to accept Information Overload (the misuse of email, careless communication practices, multitasking and incessant interruptions) as a normal part of our working day. We're genuinely busy … but not necessarily productive.


In 2011, Jonathan Spira, head of Basex Research wrote this; 

Information Overload is a significant problem for companies of all sizes and the worst of it is they don't even know it! Even smaller companies lose millions of dollars each year because of lowered productivity and hampered innovation, while the world's largest corporations each face an annual exposure of a billion dollars or more!


Spira, J. B., "Overload!: How Too Much Information is Hazardous to Your Organization," John Wiley & Sons, 2011


More recently McKinsey, Intel, Microsoft and others have conducted their own studies and invariably they found that knowledge workers (defined as people who manage, process, communicate and create information) are losing more than 8-hours a week to the effects of information overload ... a problem described as the #1 productivity killer in virtually every organization.


People Are Not an Organization’s Most Valuable Asset … 

Thinking People Are Its Most Valuable Asset  

During the rise of the Industrial Revolution the worker was a cost of doing business. Today's knowledge-worker is the means of doing business. Organizations hire the brightest people and the best minds for their ability to think and solve problems, but in a workplace that's not functioning at its best, people can’t come anywhere near their potential.

How do you put a price on that great idea that never materialized because of harried, hurried thinking, or that inspired conversation that could have happened but didn’t because it was easier to shoot off a quick email?


Overcome Dysfunction and You'll Gain the Competitive Advantage  

An overriding problem that most of us struggle with is that we've become reactive rather than proactive; we have almost no uninterrupted work time––time that is essential to creativity, innovation and problem solving … the very essence of a knowledge-worker’s value.

But it doesn't have to be this way, the people in your organization can learn to take back full control of their time and attention, which is the single greatest catalyst to better performance, job satisfaction and increased productivity imaginable. 


A proactive, time-sensitive employee will be a far greater contributor to your organization’s bottom line than the worker who is hobbled by reactivity, distraction and stress. 


If you’re interested in a tangible, measurable, and sustainable way to reclaim those lost hours, to increase productivity and employee engagement––while putting a stop to subsidizing the competition through employee turnover––please contact: 

29 DAYS ... to managing "information-overload" and stress!

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